Monday, November 24, 2008

A Footprint to Success; Governmental Protection


Reflections in Time; Obama & McGovern

I am gratified by Barack Obama's Presidential victory but in addition, I am also jealous, as he has a exhaustive, riddled job ahead of him and I was not part of his victory! My inflamed jealousy and enviousness is more aimed towards our younger first time voters than any one else for they played such a large role in a major historical moment in American Political time. Times are of a changing for both parties but tis a season of change if one is a Democrat. The last time there was ever such a possible land slide event Richard Nixon had victoriously beaten George Mc-Govern in a land slide decision much as today’s McCain-Obama’s race in reverse back in 1972 with Mc-Govern promising to pull out of Vietnam, to which I was going to. They even televised the debates of 72’ as did the debates of 08 and a land mark decision was made the previous year allowing us to vote at 18 years of age, thanks to the 26th Amendment, which in 1971 lowered the voting age.
The chosen candidate, George Mc-Govern, by the press was supposed to be carried to victory by the power-to-the-people approach to politics and an end to the Vietnam War the new youth of America the hippies. Instead, McGovern suffered the worst defeat in U.S. history. A majority of the youth vote, and a third of Democrats, went for GOP incumbent Richard Nixon. Mc-Governs unsteadiness, at the debates had alienated the public and turned the vote against him.
Now thirty-six years later the debates and unsteadiness of “My Friends…” toppled the once famed hero of the Vietnam War and resident of the Hanoi Hilton to a landslide defeat. Times have a changed and a future as we once knew it, with it, as our nation delivers a true freedom to democracy in a belief that all have a chance in achieving in a dream if you live in the land of milk and honey; America!